U.S. Foreign Policy After Bush
We’ve written before in this space about the beginnings of a search among foreign policy experts and commentators for a post-Bush U.S. foreign policy. It’s something we plan to regularly track. And as the U.S. presidential election of 2008 approaches, we hope to move from chronicling the esoteric to chronicling the practical — examing how the foreign policy debate is reflected in the platforms of likely U.S. presidential candidates. In the meantime, however, there’s plenty of prognosticating and theorizing about the future of U.S. foreign policy that remains to be examined. And plenty of creative names for candidates to be [...]
New U.S. National Space Policy
I wanted to flaga story from Inside the Pentagon about whether the Chinese are aiming to interfere with U.S. military space capabilities. The article quotes U.S. Strategic Command Chief Gen. James Cartwright as saying that China has not yet actually interfered with U.S. operations in space. However, it’s also clear from the article that U.S. military officials believe China is actively pursuing weapons that could be used to counter U.S. space-based capabilities, upon which the modern military heavily relies for communications, navigation and intelligence gathering. The article is timely because the Bush administration recently released a new National Space Policy [...]
What’s European About Islamism in Europe?
Could Europe’s anti-Americanism be fueling the ideology of European Islamists? In his fascinating analysis in the latest issue of Policy Review, John Rosenthal concludes that it is. The article is great further reading for anyone interested in what’s happening in France right now, one aspect of which is reported in the post below, between some French Muslims and the larger French society. Rosenthal uses as the basis for his article interviews that were conducted by French social scientist Farhad Khosrokhavar with suspected al-Qaida associates in French prisons. What those interviews reveal, as reported by Rosenthal, are the would-be jihadists’ multilayered [...]
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