Options for U.S. Policy in Iraq
Arguments over U.S. policy in Iraq are currently dominating the policy debate. The number of “strategies” for Iraq increases commensurate with the intensity of the debate. This short document, which was originally published on the Web site of the Center for Strategic and International Studies, aims to dispassionately lay out several of the most prominent options regarding U.S. policy in Iraq. While there are dozens of ideas regarding how to proceed, for each option listed below, an influential politician or analyst has presented the argument publicly. A link to a source document is available after each option. CURRENT POLICY The [...]
What Does Gates’ Appointment Mean for Iraq?
It’s official, the new SECDEF will be Robert M. Gates, current president of Texas A&M University, and former director of central intelligence and deputy national security adviser under George H.W. Bush. But more significant than his past experience is the fact that Gates is a member of the Iraq Study Group, a commission created at the behest of Congress to recommend strategy changes in Iraq — and led by another Bush I confidante, James A. Baker III. Thus, Gates’ appointment is a clear signal that the administration intends to embrace many of the recommendations of the Iraq Study Group. Those [...]
Rumsfeld to Resign
CNN and others are reporting U.S. Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld will resign today, after the mid-term election results indicated widespread dissatisfaction among Americans with the direction of the Iraq war. Bush is expected to announce the resignation at his 1pm press conference. CNN cites “two Republican sources” as saying former CIA Director Robert Gates is a potential replacement. More to come . . .
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