Rows of new electric vehicles in China.

If the high tariffs on Chinese EVs succeed, but the U.S. doesn’t transition toward electrification, the U.S. auto market will be uncompetitive, inefficient, and bad for the environment.

Pro-Palestinian protesters face off with police at the University of Chicago.

Hundreds of thousands of Chinese students come to the U.S. for their higher education, in part to take advantage of a more open political atmosphere. For this reason, the recent campus crackdowns against pro-Palestine protests offer insights into U.S.-China dynamics, but also the challenges facing U.S. universities as they globalize.

Andrew MacDonald, Kirsten Dunst, Alex Garland and Allan Reich.

Most commentary about the movie, “Civil War,” focuses on its political realism, or lack thereof, and ignores what it teaches audiences about the role of the media as both observers and participants in conflicts. Here are some things the film gets right and wrong about civil wars and war reporting, based on political science.

NATO's intervention in Tripoli, Libya.

NATO’s intervention in Kosovo just over 25 years ago was based on ideas like “Responsibility to Protect,” which would come to serve as a guiding principle of U.S. foreign policy for more than a decade. But on a road paved with good intentions, “Responsibility to Protect” was always bound to do harm as well as good.

China's embassy in Berlin.

Chinese President Xi Jinping’s trip to Europe is coming at a rather awkward time. European police and intelligence agencies have recently uncovered an astonishing number of alleged Chinese spies in a tidal wave of counterespionage activity in recent weeks, underscoring the sheer breadth of Beijing’s intelligence operations.