People protest against Russian language usage on Ukrainian TV.

Few themes have featured as prominently in Kremlin propaganda about the war in Ukraine as the supposed persecution of Russian speakers there. It is ironic, then, that Russian President Vladimir Putin has done more harm to the language’s standing than perhaps any other leader in at least a century.

Former U.S. President Donald Trump.

With every passing day, 2024 looks more like a hinge year in history. Every year is crucial, and unexpected events can reroute the course of history at any moment. And yet, there are good reasons to believe that this is, in fact, a more important than average year in the trajectory of global events.

Russian Central Military District’s Tank Division on an ATV.

Russian assaults in Chinese-made all terrain vehicles, or ATVs, are now a daily occurrence along the frontlines of the Ukraine war. They indicate how Moscow is adapting its battlefield tactics, and this evolution could change how the Russian state approaches war on a strategic level.

Klietz military training area, in Klietz, Germany.

Last month, French President Emmanuel Macron said that the West should consider deploying troops to Ukraine, a suggestion immediately repudiated by several of his European counterparts. But mobilizing a non-NATO military mission to Ukraine would be an effective way for the West to signal its collective resolve against Russia.

Police patrol a town in Colombia.

Colombian President Gustavo Petro’s “Total Peace”—an ambitious plan to negotiate directly with the country’s criminal and armed groups—suffered a series of setbacks due to missteps, legislative roadblocks and unforced errors. Now, nearly halfway through his four-year term, Petro is no longer relying exclusively on dialogue.

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