Special Report: Russian Foreign and Defense Policy

Special Report: Russian Foreign and Defense Policy

This World Politics Review special report is a compilation of WorldPolitics Review’s top articles on Russian foreign and defense policyfrom November 2009 through May 2010.

Below are links to each article, which subscribers can read in full. Subscribers can also download a pdf version of the report. Not a subscriber? Subscribe now, or try our subscription service for free.

Russia-Saudi Relations: The Kingdom and the Bear

By Saurav Jha
November 9, 2009

Ingushetia: Russia’s North Caucasus Policy at a Tipping Point
By Valery Dzutsev
November 17, 2009

Global Insights: Mistral Talks Reveal Russian Shipbuilding Maladies
By Richard Weitz
December 1, 2009

Global Insights: Russian-Indian Strategic Partnership Faces New Challenges
By Richard Weitz
December 8, 2009

Global Insights: Rasmussen’s Vision of NATO-Russian Partnership
By Richard Weitz
December 22, 2009

Why Russia Still Matters in the Asian Century
By John Lee
January 19, 2010

Toward Cyber Arms Control with Russia
By Chris Bronk
January 19, 2010

Global Insights: Does Russia Have a Fifth-Generation Fighter?
By Richard Weitz
February 2, 2010

NATO’s Baltic Defense Plans: Cold War Redux?

By Stephen Herzog
February 4, 2010

Global Insights: Russia’s New Military Doctrine Reaffirms Old Values
By Richard Weitz
February 9, 2010

Global Insights: Moscow Goes Ballistic Again over U.S. Missile Defense
By Richard Weitz
February 23, 2010

Moscow Bombings Highlight Russia’s North Caucasus Problem
By Richard Weitz
April 9, 2010

Russian Mistral Purchase Leaves Neighbors Wary
By Michael Cecire
April 15, 2010

In Afghanistan, Poppy Eradication Pits Russia vs. NATO

By Matthew C. Dupee and Sara Kauffman
April 20, 2010

Strategic Implications of Russia-Ukraine Base Renewal
By Richard Weitz
April 28, 2010

Global Insights: Proposed NATO Reforms Worry Moscow
By Richard Weitz
May 25, 2010