An El Nino will have mass impact on Peru's economy and politics, especially amid other crises.

Peru has been struggling to regain its footing after facing a multitude of political crises and taking a devastating hit from the COVID-19 pandemic. Now the country is bracing for yet another blow with the potential to inflict more serious damage and worsen political tensions: the climate phenomenon known as El Nino.

In Honduras and El Salvador, leaders Xiomara Castro and Nayib Bukele are attempting to combat gang violence.

Upon taking office in January 2022, Honduran President Xiomara Castro promised to demilitarize public security. Instead, after a series of high-profile episodes of violence, she has mimicked the rhetoric and methods employed by Salvadoran President Nayib Bukele, hoping to exploit its apparent efficacy, but especially its popular appeal.

Argentina's presidential election has been shaken up by Javier Milei, a populist who has seized on the country's economic crisis.

Long before disruptive populists became a feature of democratic politics, Argentinian voters had lived through multiple experiences with the type. Now, as the country prepares to choose a new president, a flamboyant new political bomb-thrower is vying for the top job. But corruption accusations could unravel his candidacy.

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