WPR’s Subscription Service is Here!

We are pleased to announce that World Politics Review’s subscription-only service has arrived! For the moment, our features will make up the bulk of our subscription content. We’ll continue to publish new feature themes every two weeks. Check out our latest theme, on “The Changing Landscape of U.S. Intelligence,” with articles by Jason Vest, Mark Lowenthal and Richard Weitz.

And stay tuned for upcoming themes on the state (pun intended) of the Westphalian system and the geopolitics of water. Although most of our daily briefings and columns will remain freely accessible, we’ll also be publishing subscription-only articles in those sections from time to time. In addition, we have big plans to regularly add compelling services for our subscribers. To sign up for a FREE four-month trial, an offer that won’t last long, click here.

Also, we’ll soon be unveiling the debut issue of the WPR digital policy journal — a format the combines all the best features of print with the convenience of digital. The digital journal will be bimonthly, and will be accessible to subscribers as part of their subscription.