WPR Top 10: The Most-Read of 2007

As we prepare to ring in a new year here at WPR, and look forward to bringing you more insightful and thought-provoking news, analysis and commentary on international affairs, we pause briefly to look back at 2007.

Here are WPR’s top 10 most popular news and commentary articles of 2007:

1. How the Media Partnered with Hezbollah: Harvard’s Cautionary Report
2. Venezuela Preparing for ‘Asymmetrical’ Showdown with the U.S.
3. An Interview with Al-Jazeera Editor Ahmed Sheikh
4. Russian Bombers Rehearse Nuclear Attacks Against the United States
5. Middle East Opinion: Iran Fears Aren’t Hitting the Arab Street
6. Berlin and Vienna Stand Against the West: European Divisions on the Iranian Bomb
7. A New Golden Age: Russia Looks Forward to Global Warming
8. Afghan Bodybuilders Pump Iron Amid War; ‘Arnold’ Idolized
9. U.S. Army ‘Future Combat Systems’ Program Remains Under Fire
10. Ahmadinejad and a Murder in Vienna: An Interview with ‘Witness D’

And our top 10 most-read blog posts from the past year:

1. Top 30 Countries for Broadband Internet Access
2. Have You Been to, Iraq Senator?
3. Revealing Moment on French Election Night
4. Photo Feature: On Patrol in Afghanistan
5. The Roh-Bush Smackdown
6. The Surreal Path to Peace: David Lynch Visits Israel (CBS video since expired)
7. Where Does the U.S. Get its Oil?
8. Gadhafi’s Deal
9. Is Bernard-Henri Lévy a Pretentious Fool?
10. Petraeus Charts: Iraq by the Numbers

Stay tuned to the blog for some editors picks of articles we think should have gotten a bit more attention . . .