WPR Top 10 Dec. 1-7

The top 10 most-read World Politics Review articles from the past week:

1. Ethnic Minorities in Kosovo Still Lack Freedom of Movement
2. Ségolène Royal and the War in France’s Banlieues
3. Somalia’s Humanitarian Crisis Continues to Degenerate
4. Defense Secretary Gates’ Radical Soft Power Proposal
5. Iran NIE Deepens U.N. Security Council Rift on Sanctions
6. Following Unrest, Georgia Looks Ahead to Crucial Elections Next Year
7. Rights & Wrongs: China, Egypt, Rwanda and More
8. Iran Intelligence Estimate Could Reduce Fears of Middle East Arms Race
9. Kosovo’s Divided City of Mitrovica Warily Awaits Independence
10. Embattled African Union Peacekeepers Defense Mogadishu ‘Bridgehead’