Welcome to Our Blog

Welcome to our new World Politics Blog. In this space, our editors will keep readers abreast of what’s happening on the site. We’ll call attention to notable pieces, relate them to the news, and from time to time our contributing writers will even post their thoughts here. We plan, for example, to feature first-person accounts from reporters of their experiences covering stories on location.

For my first post here, I thought it would be a good idea just to point out a few features of the site. As you know if you’re a regular reader, our bread and butter is original news and commentary on international affairs, foreign policy and national security. Our front page is updated every weekday with new articles.

In addition, as a service to our readers, we offer a daily Media Roundup of the most important news and commentary from the world’s English language media. The Media Roundup is published by 8:30am Eastern every weekday morning. You can also browse our Media Roundup archives. It’s a great way to examine the recent history of news coverage, and to see what issues have most occupied the minds of the pundits and prognosticators in past weeks. (If you’re interested in commentary, by the way, don’t miss our weekly Commentary Week in Review column, a look back at the week in print commentary, published each Saturday by noon.)

To receive an email alert each morning when the Media Roundup is published, you must register on the site. The free registration is quick and painless. If you register, you can also sign up to be notified when articles by your favorite author or about specified issues are published. Registered members can also participate in our discussion forums, where they can comment on articles.

That’s a brief introduction to what we’re offering at World Politics Review. We’re constantly looking for ways to improve, so drop us a line at info@worldpoliticsreview.com if you have any suggestions or comments. In the meantime, in addition to highlighting our articles, we’ll be introducing new features and site changes here at the blog, so please check in regularly.