The WPR Top 10

Last week we introduced the WPR top 10. Today we present the second weekly installment. The top 10 list for the last 30 days will only appear every two weeks. Below is the list of most popular articles for Sept. 23 – 29:

1. Repercussions from Air Force Nuclear Weapons Incident Continue
2. Spain’s M-11 Verdicts Won’t Explain Government Bungling of Investigation
3. Rights and Wrongs: Cambodia, Child Soldiers, Egypt and More
4. French Defense Minister Hervé Morin on France, NATO and ‘New’ Security Threats
5. A New Paradigm for Africa: Sarkozy’s Vision for a ‘Eurafrique’
6. Reporting the Story of the Israeli Strike that May or May Not Have Happened
7. Domestic and Regional Turmoil Color Ethiopia’s Millenium Celebration
8. Preventing a Massacre and Bringing Democracy to Burma: the Time is Now
9. ‘The Surge Was Absolutely Necessary’: An Interview with Iraqi National Security Adviser Mowaffak al-Rubaie
10. Corridors of Power: Reporting from the U.N. General Assembly