The Dawn of the Trump Era

The Dawn of the Trump Era
U.S. President-elect Donald Trump arrives at Andrews Air Force Base ahead of his inauguration, Maryland, Jan. 19, 2017 (AP photo by Evan Vucci).

On Friday, Jan. 20, Donald Trump will be sworn in as the 45th president of the United States. As the president-elect prepares to take office, the world anxiously awaits an American leader who has expressed an intention to break with policy orthodoxy on issues from China to NATO and who has questioned many pillars of the post-World War II international order. World Politics Review has compiled eight articles that offer a sense of what the Trump era might bring for the United States and the world.

The following eight articles are free to nonsubscribers until Feb. 2.

The Trump Doctine?

An Open World Is in the Balance. What Might Replace the Liberal Order?

The Costs of Uncertainty With Trump’s Trade Policies
Demystifying Trump’s Confounding Statements About Nuclear Weapons
How Much Damage Will Trump Do to the Global Effort Against Climate Change?

Global Pressure Points

What Could Trump’s Russia Policy Actually Look Like?
Trump’s Real Challenge in the Middle East: Don’t Follow Russia and Iran
Can Trump Calm European Nerves Over His Election?
Fear of the Unknown as Mexico Awaits the Trump Era

For more coverage, see our series on the Trump era.