Special Report: Iran, Playing With Fire

Special Report: Iran, Playing With Fire

The standoff over Iran’s nuclear program has raised tensions in the Persian Gulf, even as factional battles in Tehran have divided the Iranian regime. This WPR special report examines Iran through articles published in the past year.

Below are links to each article in this special report, which subscribers can read in full. Not a subscriber? Purchase this document for Kindle or as a PDF from Scribd. Or subscribe now.

The Nuclear Standoff

Iran’s Slow but Steady Nuclear March
By Richard Weitz
November 8, 2011

Iran and the Nuclear Paradox
By Robert Farley
November 16, 2011

How to Stop Worrying and Live with the Iranian Bomb
By Thomas P.M. Barnett
November 14, 2011

Running Out the Clock on Iran’s Nuclear Program
By Nikolas Gvosdev
November 11, 2011

Global Insider: Iran’s Missile Capabilities
An interview with Bruno Gruselle
November 18, 2011

The Mystery of Iran’s Slow Nuclear Pace
By Richard Weitz
March 8, 2011

Stuxnet and Cyberpower in War
By John B. Sheldon
April 19, 2011

The Evolution of Economic Coercion: From Sanctions to Targeted Financial Measures
By Javiet Serrat
November 8, 2011

Explaining Libya to Iran
By Alexander Bollfrass
September 12, 2011

Domestic Politics

Iran’s Leadership Struggle Reveals Secular-Islamist Split
By Jamsheed K. Choksy
May 13, 2011

In Iran, the End of Ahmadinejad
By Frida Ghitis
June 23, 2011

Don’t Count Iran’s Ahmadinejad Out Yet
By Jamsheed K. Choksy
September 16, 2011

Regional Relations

The Coming Battle for Baghdad
By Frida Ghitis
September 15, 2011

Saudi Arabia and Iran Face Off in Bahrain
By Frida Ghitis
March 17, 2011

Saudi-Iranian Tensions Widening Into Sunni-Shiite Cold War
By Saurav Jha
April 29, 2011

Mideast Powers Jockey for Leadership Amid Syrian Turmoil
Frida Ghitis
August 11, 2011

Turkey, Iran Walk a Fine Line on Syria
By Nader Habibi
July 26, 2011

For Iran, Setbacks Outweigh Gains in Arab Spring
By Masoud Shafaee
August 5, 2011

Global Insider: Iran-Africa Relations
An interview with Scott Lucas
August 22, 2011

Global Insider: Iran-Azerbaijan Relations
An interview with Brenda Shaffer
July 29, 2011

Global Insider: Iran-Kuwait Relations
An interview with W. Andrew Terrill
June 7, 2011

Global Insider: Iran-Oman Relations
An interview with David Dunford
April 12, 2011