RCW’s Top Five World News Sites

The folks at Real Clear World go through a lot of world news every day to provide the kind of wide-ranging and quality aggregation they offer. So it’s a real honor to know that WPR stood out enough to be included in their Top Five International News Sites for 2008. Especially when the other four outlets on the list are Der Spiegel, Al Jazeera, China Post and Japan Times. Not exactly a bunch of Mom and Pop operations.

But in thanking the gang at RCW for their kind words, I’d like to also call your attention to the original coverage and analysis they inconspicuously glide into the midst of their daily news roundup. Also, the RCW Blog, which we added to the blogroll at the time of our redesign, has been adding a lot of interesting features to their already solid coverage lately, including guest experts to provide analysis of breaking news, and roundups of the French, Russian and Chinese press. So give them a look. You’ll be glad you did.

It’s nice to be appreciated, but even more so by someone you appreciate, too. Thanks, guys.