Myanmar’s Difficult Transition From Military Dictatorship to Democracy

Myanmar’s Difficult Transition From Military Dictatorship to Democracy
Myanmar opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi with newly elected lawmakers of her National League for Democracy party, Nov. 28, 2015, Yangon, Myanmar (AP photo by Khin Maung Win).

In this week’s Trend Lines podcast, WPR’s editor-in-chief, Judah Grunstein, joins host Peter Dörrie in the Briefing to discuss the issues dominating global politics this week, including Cuba’s migrant crisis, the COP21 climate conference and France’s military strategy in Africa. For the Report, Sebastian Strangio joins us to talk about the challenges of Myanmar’s ongoing democratization.


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You can read more of Sebastian Strangio’s work on his website and follow him on Twitter.

Trend Lines is produced, edited and hosted by Peter Dörrie, a freelance journalist and analyst focusing on security and resource politics in Africa. You can follow him on Twitter at @peterdoerrie.

Additional audio credits:

Secretary of State Clinton on U.S. Policy towards Burma (Myanmar)
Deutsche Welle English – Myanmar ruling party concedes defeat
The Daily Show – The Myanmar Daily Show
Burmese Security Forces Target Muslims