Gone Fishin’

Well, I thought I’d be able to sneak in a week of pre-vacation and still manage some sporadic posting, but obviously I was kidding myself. Truth be told, it’s really impossible to maintain the kind of reading it takes to feed the blog with only one eye on the screen. Now I’m heading off on a real two-week vacation for some much-needed R&R and to spend some quality time with my seven year-old son. I’ll be completely offline and will even do my best to resist the temptation to buy the IHT print edition each day, so with any luck I’ll be back at the beginning of September completely clueless about the state of world affairs, but well-rested and ready to hunt down the stories that are just beyond or just below the radar. In the meantime, Hampton will be holding down the fort, so make sure to check in regularly, as well as to check in on the WPR frontpage, which is as active as ever.