Who Will Mediate for Turkey?

Is it possible that Turkey has been so busy lately mediating other countries’ disputes that it’s got no time to resolve its own? Hurriyet reports:

Turkey has made no effort to ease tensions with Greece to defuse a long-running territorial dispute, Greece’s foreign minister said in an interview with Reuters on Tuesday.

“While we made a conscious effort from the Greek side — such as the Greek prime minister’s visit to Ankara — Turkey did not reciprocate,” Bakoyanni told Reuters.

On a related note, a quick check through the Turkish press revealed almost nothing but bad news: a bomb explosion outside AKP party headquarters, Turkish intellectuals expressing disappointment with PM Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s commitment to reforms, Turkish businessmen criticising his overly optimistic forecast for economic recovery, and exports down by 22 percent in November and expected to drop by 17 percent next year.

Obviously there’s no structural connection. But it made me wonder whether the Turkish diplomatic success story will be yet another victim of the financial crisis.